This mechanical repair shop in Redfern, located in the Sydney CBD, offers a rare opportunity with minimal nearby competition. It has an established local client base and presents potential for growth, particularly through increased marketing efforts and weekend operations.
Key selling points:
1. Prime CBD location with no nearby competition.
2. Established client base with growth potential.
3. Opportunity to expand through weekend trading.
4. Strong local reputation.
5. Potential to increase revenue with enhanced marketing.
6. Well-equipped workshop ready for immediate operations.
7. Convenient access for city clientele.
8. Rare opportunity in a high-demand area.
For inquiries, please contact:
Phil Xu
- Phone: 0421 334 522
- Email: [email protected]
想要在悉尼拥有一家超具竞争力的机械维修店?这家位于Redfern的维修店是你的绝佳选择!作为City circle少有的汽车维修店之一,附近几乎没有直接竞争,现有的稳定客户群体让你接手即可盈利。更有超大增长空间,尤其是通过加强营销和周末营业,未来发展潜力不可估量。
1. 位于Redfern核心地段,周边无竞争对手,市场优势明显
2. 已建立稳定的客户群,生意基础扎实
3. 增加周末营业时间,轻松拓展业务
4. 当地口碑好,客户信任度高
5. 通过线上线下营销,快速提升收入
6. 设备齐全,接手即刻投入运营
7. 位置便利,方便CBD客户轻松到达
8. 稀缺资源,高需求区域难得的转让机会
Phil Xu:
电话:0421 334 522
邮箱:[email protected]
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